
Friday, November 11, 2011

just another day

Today I woke up and couldn't keep from crying, there was no reason for it but the tears just began to fall. This seems to happen more often then not. As most of you know this last year has been one crazy rollercoaster for me. I've decided Im going to start blogging well about EVERYTHING!! Some might say I tell to much of what is happening in my life. But i feel if you have to keep it a secret then why are you doing it at all. To start this off since it is my first post. I will tell you about me. I am 20 years old and currently live in blanding, utah with my parents. I work at my fathers motel as a desk clerk. I love my job. I have 1 sister and 2 bothers all married with children. Im sure I will be posting things having to deal with them all. I recently placed my daughter up for adoption! this will be something i write ALOT about. I have been takin some classes at the college here in town it is a run off campus from USU. My finals are coming up fast and I am super worried!! this stuff is hard. I am moving to salt lake in december and am very excited looking for a new job is hard though. I will be living with my best friend and her son.. I am sure I will Have lots of things to post about that! My food! that is something i will be posting about also. I love to cook and take pictures of my creations. and hope to one day share them with the world.. who knows maybe one day ill be famous and they will make a movie about me and use my blog. Im a female and very boy crazy so dont doubt for one second Im not going to post abotu the guys in my life. or what i want. well I dont no what else to say and kinda feel stupid for posting this. but its a start right! Love everyone!